curious adj. 1.好奇心旺盛的;好事的,爱看热闹的。 2.稀奇的,古怪的,奇妙的。 3.(书等)猥亵的,趣味低级的。 4.〔古语〕非常细致的,精细的。 He is very curious. 他是好管闲事的(人)。 a curious inquiry 寻根问底。 be curious about (sth.) 对(某事物)感到好奇。 be curious to say 说来真稀奇。 adv. -ly 好奇地;奇妙地;〔加强语气〕怪,很,非常 (a curiously bad accent 怪重的土腔)。 n. -ness
Still , many adopted children are curious about their origins 现在,仍然有很多被收养的孩子对自己的出身很好奇。
Young children are curious about everything and quickly learn to imitate what they see 孟母三迁,就为著给小孩换个好的环境。
If the child is curious towards the romantic scenes , explain to him , the couple loves each other very much and hugging and kissing are ways to express love . they are very happy when they are doing it 如果孩子对亲热场面感到好奇,可以对他解释那对男女是非常爱对方,拥抱和亲嘴是表示爱意的表现,他们这样做时,两个人都很快乐。